For years my sister and I have saved most of our old t-shirts from school events (Elementary, Middle School, & High School), church retreats, summer camps, college, choir/band, etc. The shirts have been saved in storage bins labeled "t-shirts for quilt" for a while now. While I was cleaning out my sister's bedroom closet back in September I came across her shirts and decided I would take on the challenge of making her t-shirt quilt and give it as a Christmas present! A challenge it became...I had an idea of what I wanted it to look like when it was finished so it was just a matter of producing that picture in my head. Easy right??!!??!! After 3 loads of t-shirts washed & dried I was able to create a plan. With a little help from my dad to help figure out exactly how big this quilt should be and trips to Hobby Lobby & JoAnn Fabric to look for a plastic stencil that was big enough to cut 16" squares (I had to make my own in the end)...I got started. When it came down to it unless the quilt was going to be on a King sized bed I was going to have to start choosing which shirts to include. In the end the quilt became double sided with shirts from many years and many memories of growing up. I hope this quilt will keep her warm physically and with memories for years to come. Now I need to get busy making MY quilt...better save that project for next year!
Pictures coming soon!
Soft Chocolate Chip Sourdough Cookie Recipe
12 hours ago